How to Write the Best Telemarketer Script

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Did you know that if you ask prospects, “How have you been?” during a cold call, this increases your success rate by 6.6 times? We all know that telemarketing can be a challenging job, so you want to do everything possible to boost your success rate.

While winging your calls can make your conversations go more naturally and perhaps smoother as well, you’re leaving things up to chance. If you don’t plan out your telemarketer script, your calls can crash and burn fast.

So do yourself a favor and write out your cold call script first. Here’s how to do so.


Create an Introduction

You only have seven seconds to make a first impression, meaning that what you say when the prospect picks up the phone are the most important words they’ll hear from you. If they have a less-than-positive view of you, they’re sure to hang up or be disinterested in your pitch.

As we’ve said earlier, asking them how they’ve been will massively improve your success rate. But first, begin with a warm greeting and introduce yourself, as well as your company.

Make sure to use a friendly tone and confident demeanor. This will definitely establish a positive impression.


Build Rapport

Once you’ve got the introduction out of the way, then this is the time to ask how the person’s doing. Listen carefully, as you can use the information to find common ground. This will help you genuinely connect with them. 

For example, if they’ve been busy with their toddler who’s learning to walk, you can sympathize with them if you have your own little one going through the same thing. Or if they’ve just been to a fabulous classical music concert, share your favorite composers with them.

The essential thing is to use active listening skills to show real interest in their responses.


State Your Purpose

When the pleasantries are done, you should then clearly state the purpose of your call. Do this in a concise and compelling manner.

It’ll be beneficial to highlight the benefits and value that your products or services bring to the prospect. This is the perfect time to identify their pain points that your brand can address effectively.

Don’t forget to show empathy and understanding for their needs. There’s nothing worse than a cold call that’s obviously pushy and salesy.


Show off the Features and Benefits

The best cold calling scripts will show off the features and benefits of a product or service. After all, you’re calling to get someone to convert and make a purchase; how are they supposed to do this without knowing exactly what you offer?

Make sure you highlight key features and explain how each translates into benefits for the prospect. In addition, focus on how your solution can solve their problems or improve their situation.


Customize Your Scripts

It’s perfectly fine to have a general telemarketer script so it’s easy to make multiple calls in one day. You can even look at a sales script template to get inspiration.

However, don’t make it a cookie-cutter solution. Not every prospect will be the same, so you’ll have to tailor your script to their specific needs and interests if possible.

You’ll need to put your active listening skills to use and mention any relevant information you gathered during the conversation. This will help you connect with people and convince them that you’re truly trying to help them out.

how to write cold calling scripts
If you know how to write cold calling scripts, you’ll be more successful than calling a client without a plan!

Anticipate Common Objections

We all know that telemarketers aren’t viewed in a good light. Many people hate cold calls, so you need to be prepared for hostility and common objections. But if you can anticipate them, you’ll have the right tools to counter what they have to say.

Prepare responses that address concerns. Put yourself in your prospects’ shoes and see what they might have issues with.

More importantly, handle objections with empathy. Provide solutions or additional information to be helpful.


Have a Clear Call to Action

When you’re done with your pitch, you’ll want to clearly state the desired action you want the prospect to take. This can be anything from setting up a meeting to making a purchase.

Creating a sense of urgency is vital in driving action, but only do this if it’s appropriate. For instance, emphasize limited-time offers or benefits.


Qualify the Prospect

No one wants to waste time, so qualifying prospects will help you avoid chasing up uninterested leads.

Your telemarketer script should include qualifying questions. These can determine whether the person is genuinely interested or only saying what you want to hear to get you off the phone. They can also show whether they’re a good fit for your offering.


Close With a Summary

Wrap up your call by summarizing the benefits and value of your products or services one more time. You can nudge the prospect to take action by asking for their commitment to your call to action.

Before you get off the phone, thank the person for their time, regardless of their decision. Plus, if you’re required by law, ensure you provide information about opting out of future calls and explain how they can do so.


Record Results

You should keep track of the outcomes of each call. Measure the effectiveness of the script and make data-driven improvements.

This may be easier to do if you’re running a legitimate telemarketing company. The more prospects and customers you get through the door, so to speak, the more data you’ll have to work with.

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Write the Optimal Telemarketer Script

When you have a good telemarketer script by your side, you’ll have a solid outline of how conversations are supposed to go with your prospects.

Of course, you shouldn’t stick to it too strictly, as it’ll come off as rehearsed and disingenuous. Remember to use your active listening skills and insert relevant information when possible, as this will help you make connections and make it easier to sway prospects.

If you’d like to form your own telemarketing company, then sign up with Business Anywhere. Simply fill out our straightforward form and we’ll take care of everything else.

About Author

Picture of Rick Mak

Rick Mak

Rick Mak is a 30-year veteran businessman, having started, bought, and/or sold more than a dozen companies. He has bachelor's degrees in International Business, Finance, and Economics, with masters in both Entrepreneurship and International Law. He has spoken at hundreds of conferences around the world during his career on entrepreneurship, international tax law, asset protection, and company structure. Business Anywhere Editorial Guidelines

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