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8 Top Business Ideas for Kids

business ideas for kids

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Who says the entrepreneurial spirit is only applicable during adulthood? Children are full of creativity, curiosity, and enthusiasm, so starting early isn’t a bad idea at all.

If you’ve noticed that your kid has a lot of energy to burn, then channel it. Not only can they learn about running a business, but they can also find out how to manage money too. Plus, if you do it right, you won’t have to take too much of a hands-on approach either.

Read on for the top business ideas for kids if your little one needs inspiration.

8 Great Business Ideas for Kids

1. Lemonade Stand

You can’t go wrong with the classic lemonade stand. It doesn’t take much to start the business either; all your child needs is water, lemonade mix (or lemons), and a table.

In addition, setting up a stand will teach them many principles of both business and life. For example, they’ll gain skills in sales, customer service, and basic math. They can also explore their creative sides, as they can experiment with different recipes.

As time goes on, encourage them to try out different pricing strategies. They’ll have fun with this challenge, and once they find a good strategy, they’ll be proud of all the money they’re raking in.

lemonade stand
A little one can run a lemonade stand to make some cash

2. Baking and Cooking

Is your child on the older side? Then they can give baking or cooking a go. This is a fantastic way to teach them some life skills, as they can take their baking and cooking knowledge when they finally move away one day.

One of the best yet simplest kid business ideas is to bake cookies, brownies, or other sweet treats. They’re hard to mess up, and it’s not hard to find people with a sweet tooth.

If your kid’s got a knack for baking and cooking, they can make a small menu. From there, they can also offer their services to friends and family for birthday parties or events. 

3. Arts and Crafts

Something that’s less hazardous yet still creative is arts and crafts. There are numerous benefits they can get, including better critical thinking, resilience, and self-esteem. Add some cash to it all, and there are practically no downsides.

Your child can create and sell their artwork, whether that’s in the form of paintings, greeting cards, or jewelry. While they can try selling to the local neighborhood, they can think bigger and try venues like Etsy or local craft fairs. These can provide a bigger platform for your kid to sell their creations.

4. Gardening

During the pandemic, many people got into gardening and houseplants as a way to practice self-care. Your child themselves may have picked up one or both as hobbies.

However, now that the world’s mostly back to normal, many adults can’t handle these responsibilities anymore. This means it’s the perfect opportunity for your child to make some extra money while doing what they love.

It doesn’t stop at just tending to people’s gardens though. Your kid can sell their homegrown vegetables, herbs, or potted plants to the neighbors or at a local farmers’ market.

5. Pet Care

Pet care falls under the list of excellent business ideas for teens. They can put their years of experience caring for family pets to good use by helping out neighbors who are too busy, not as able-bodied, or are going on vacation.

Do note that this idea should only be for more responsible teenagers. They’re dealing with other people’s furry family members, after all.

Your child can offer pet-sitting, dog walking, or pet grooming services. This may even help them develop valuable skills that will carry on into adulthood.

On that note, can a minor own an LLC? No matter what you choose to further your kid’s endeavors, we at Business Anywhere can help you create an LLC. That way, they can learn the ropes and see what the real world’s like.

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6. Tutoring

For teens who don’t like animals or are allergic, they can turn to tutoring instead if they’re great students. This gives them a chance to not only add something to their extracurricular activities, but to also flex their knowledge and earn some cash.

Tutoring won’t take much to set up. All your kid has to do is go to their clients’ houses, the library, or even have their clients come to your house. Your child’s experience tutoring will appeal to many universities, as it’ll show that they’re smart, yet still want to assist others.

7. Cleaning and Organization

It’s rare for kids to enjoy cleaning and organizing, so count your lucky stars if yours does. These services can improve people’s quality of life in the community, so your child will be doing good too.

Have them go around to your family members and neighbors, asking if they can tidy up garages, organize closets, clean backyards, etc. Your teen will have positive memories associated with these chores, and it’ll be much easier for them to live on their own as an adult, as they’ve perfected vital life skills.

8. DIY Services

Kids who are handy will be thrilled to know they can monetize their skills. Plus, they may learn a thing or two along the way, which can help them hone their craft before setting up their own business later on.

Depending on their age, some DIY services kids can offer include mowing the lawn, doing small household repairs, painting walls, fixing small appliances, and performing bike repairs.


Try These Business Ideas for Kids

If your child’s bored and could use some money of their own, then don’t just hand them an allowance. Instead, make them earn that cash by trying one of the above business ideas for kids.

When your child has to put in their own time and energy, they’ll appreciate money a lot more. And they may just get a head start on their future career by gaining invaluable experience now.

Would you like to make things easier on your child? Then sign up with Business Anywhere. Our services will make everything more manageable.

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About Author

Picture of Rick Mak

Rick Mak

Rick Mak is a 30-year veteran businessman, having started, bought, and/or sold more than a dozen companies. He has bachelor's degrees in International Business, Finance, and Economics, with masters in both Entrepreneurship and International Law. He has spoken at hundreds of conferences around the world during his career on entrepreneurship, international tax law, asset protection, and company structure. Business Anywhere Editorial Guidelines

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