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Why Your Employee Will Be Happier with Remote Work

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Are you considering increasing the number of hours and days allowed for employee remote work in your business, but are not sure if it’s a great idea? Then perhaps this article will help you make a choice. We share the top reasons why employees will be happier with remote work. 

Surprisingly, up to 44% of companies don’t allow remote work. If your company falls within this statistic, then perhaps by the end of the article you’ll see a different perspective. After all, making your employees happier leads to higher productivity, loyalty, sales, customers, and business growth. 

Save Time on Traveling

Depending on the location of your commercial real estate and where employees live, they may need to commute for upwards of an hour. However, matters can get complicated when there are traffic jams or other unexpected problems like train delays. 

Hence, the travel time can take a large portion of the day for an employee. It seems like a waste of time. Instead, they could be resting, spending time with family, or getting on with more work. All of these seem more productive. 

Therefore, by allowing your employees to work remotely, you will eliminate travel time. Consider the amount of time you could save if you didn’t need to come into an office 5 times a week. It will surely lead to a significantly better quality of life. 

Better Work Life Balance

The improved work life balance allows employees to feel like they are living a more fulfilled life. It means they can get the rest they need outside of work and come back with a new sense of energy. Ultimately, employees will be more productive when they have had time to enjoy other pursuits. 

Creating a workforce that’s got a more well-rounded life is something business should strive towards. This ensures that employees are more likely to stay for the long term, instead of leaving for a better offer. 

Also, you should encourage your employees to improve their work life balance if they will be working 100% from home. That’s because some employees might end up working too much, which is also counterproductive.

Fewer Distractions

Some employees may feel that there are far too many distractions at work. Instead, they might want to be left alone and work in peace at home. This is especially true if they live alone or have a dedicated office to get away from the rest of the household. 

Open-plan offices are a good idea for allowing employees to mingle. However, it also removes the walls that would have provided peace and quiet. Hence, these office types might not be the best working environment for those seeking solitude. 

Control Over Timetable

Can you facilitate remote work with the ability to create their own schedule? If so, then that is a great approach for ensuring employees can be happy. That’s because it empowers them to create a timetable that matches their lifestyle. 

For example, some people may prefer to go hiking in the morning and work in the evenings. This isn’t possible if everyone has to be in an office during the day. 

Of course, you can request that team meetings at specific times of the day take place. These are a great way to ensure that projects are managed correctly. However, it still offers enough control over setting up a balanced and unique timetable. 

remote work

Live Remotely

With remote work employees can choose to live in a remote location that’s miles from a city. Whether it’s in the mountains, at the far end of a forest, or in a remote beach town. The choices are virtually endless when the remote work setup is offered. 

This allows employees to pursue a lifestyle that makes them happy and matches their expectations. As a side bonus, you’ll have a larger pool of employees to hire from since they don’t need to live in a specific geographic location. 

Remote Work Employees Can Save Money

There are multiple ways that money can be saved for employees when working remotely. This ultimately makes them happier and more likely to take a job position that offers this arrangement. Here’s a summary of how employees can save money with remote work:

  • Travel: there is no need to spend money on travel. This includes bus or train fare, fuel, car insurance, and much more. Also, it ensures employees can have more money to spend without having to ask for a raise. This means it’s a win-win situation. 
  • More work: do you pay employees based on the amount of work they complete? Then they might end up making more money since they can get more work done at home. 
  • Clothes: there is no need to buy expensive suits and other clothes required to come to work. Hence, they can use whatever clothes they wear on a regular basis to get work done. Also, it reduces the amount of space taken up in their wardrobe. 

More Comfort At Home

Employees may prefer working from home because there is more equipment they feel comfortable with. For instance, they may have the best chair for their body type and a desk that matches their preferences. 

Also, they may want to work on their home computer, which they are unable to take to work. Employees that are more comfortable working end up being more productive, and that’s a great thing for your business. 

Final Thoughts

To conclude, there are many advantages for your employees to allow them to work remotely. Hence, it’s a good idea to consider allowing them to work from home or go for a hybrid model. You’ll see an improvement in their work and enthusiasm to stay loyal to your business. 

Remote work has revolutionized the workplace during the last few years. It’s up to you whether you take the plunge and add this new work format to your company. Now you can make an informed decision with the insight of this article. 

About Author

Picture of Rick Mak

Rick Mak

Rick Mak is a 30-year veteran businessman, having started, bought, and/or sold more than a dozen companies. He has bachelor's degrees in International Business, Finance, and Economics, with masters in both Entrepreneurship and International Law. He has spoken at hundreds of conferences around the world during his career on entrepreneurship, international tax law, asset protection, and company structure. Business Anywhere Editorial Guidelines

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