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How to Protect your Personal Assets as an LLC Owner

A laptop with a man setting up an LLC under a personal name

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Do you know how to protect your personal assets as an LLC owner without breaking state or federal rules and regulations? There are several ways to succeed, and understanding limited liability protection is crucial.

Registering a limited liability company is your first step to preventing business creditors or anyone from paying debts with your assets. It’s valuable and an integral part of your asset protection strategies.

Are you ready to discover how to protect your personal assets as an LLC owner? Join us as we discuss the topic in-depth and outline essential tips for success. Let’s get started.

Understanding an LLC’s limited liability protection

Most entrepreneurs create a new business entity legally separated from its owners when forming an LLC. This separation is also known as limited liability protection.

It’s common knowledge that when an LLC can’t pay its debts, the establishment creditors can go after the company’s assets and bank accounts. But the online company formation owner’s finances, homes, cars, and other personal assets are safe. You only lose the time and amount of money invested in the business.

However, the company owner is responsible for the debts they incurred. The individual may also remit payments for all unpaid payroll taxes and court cases if sued for their wrongdoing.

What are the ways to protect your personal assets as an LLC owner?

Obtaining your LLC insurance, maintaining an independent entity, and establishing credit are ways to protect your assets after company formation registration. Let’s get into the details:

1.      Obtain LLC Insurance

If there’s a lawsuit against you for wrongdoing, whether mistakenly hitting a car, defrauding customers, or wrecking another individual’s property, your LLC’s liability protection doesn’t cover you.

One disgruntled employee or broken contract, and it’s over. The cost of legal defense could keep you out of business if you win the case.

Therefore, if you want to protect your personal assets as an LLC owner, consider having liability insurance that gives you peace of mind. Lastly, work with an experienced attorney to get a policy that covers you and your business when sued.

2.      Maintain your LLC as an independent entity.

Corporate law states that business investors who mix corporate with personal assets could be held personally liable for the company. Furthermore, evidence shows that the courts could also hold online registration company owners responsible.

Consider keeping the LLC finances and records separate from your personal records to avoid this liability. The company should have credit cards, and bank accounts different from yours.

Ensure all purchase orders, invoices, contracts, and other vital documents visibly display the organization’s name. Besides, it helps everyone associate with the business know they’re dealing with an entity, not an individual.

3.      Establish LLC Credit

Small business owners become responsible for company debts and obligations due to personal guarantees. If you give your word on a loan or lease, you’ll have to make the payment if the organization defaults.

Some scenarios require you to pledge an asset or home as collateral for business credit. But if the company cannot fulfill its obligation, the creditor might come after your personal accounts or items.

However, if you’re starting a new business, you might have to consent to guarantee large deals. But you may protect your personal assets as an LLC owner by establishing a loan or credit in the company name.

4.      Ensure the company has sufficient money.

If anyone sues your LLC due to unpaid debt, you can satisfy the creditor with money in the company, not your personal assets. To minimize your vulnerability, consider keeping enough funds to scale through the hurdle.

Remember that moving money out of a company to pay personal creditors is not an excellent marketing strategy and could be flagged as fraudulent. Also, if you don’t have sufficient funds to solve immediate problems, the court might hold you responsible for not fully funding the organization.

Therefore, having enough cash flow in your limited liability company is the best solution to improve brand reputation for new and experienced business owners.

5.      Adopt other methods to protect assets from personal creditors

Your home, cars, and other personal assets could become liable for LLC obligations if sued due to guarantees given or wrongdoings. Depending on your state, there are various ways to protect your personal assets from these challenges.

After setting up a company online, some states allow you to put assets into trusts protected from creditors. But it has to be years before the judgment or unpaid debts. It will enable you to safeguard properties such as your primary residence and funds in retirement accounts.

Consider consulting with a bankruptcy attorney or estate planner to determine the structuring of your properties. Besides, it’ll further protect you from the business obligation liabilities.

Remember that asset protection strategies for LLCs, including keeping personal and business finances separate and having proper insurance, can keep you safe from business creditors. Although there’s no 100 percent guarantee, advance planning puts you in a good position.

Protect your personal assets as an LLC owner without a fuss

After learning how to protect your personal assets as an LLC owner, consider adopting the advanced planning strategy. Strategize with a bankruptcy attorney, certified public accountant, or estate planner to achieve desired results.

A limited liability company protects owners from debts or any wrongdoing committed by the employees or co-owners in that period. But remember that your LLC’s liability protection is not absolute. You’ll need plans for maximum possible protection. It’ll keep you in the loop and help you tailor a solution to unexpected problems.

About Author

Picture of Rick Mak

Rick Mak

Rick Mak is a 30-year veteran businessman, having started, bought, and/or sold more than a dozen companies. He has bachelor's degrees in International Business, Finance, and Economics, with masters in both Entrepreneurship and International Law. He has spoken at hundreds of conferences around the world during his career on entrepreneurship, international tax law, asset protection, and company structure. Business Anywhere Editorial Guidelines

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