How to Perform a Nebraska Business Entity Search

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Nebraska Business Entity Search

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In the second quarter of 2024, Nebraska’s real gross domestic product (GDP) rose at an annual rate of 5.3%. While that may not seem too impressive, here’s the important part: the state went from third worst to third best in terms of GDP growth, and it did this in just one quarter!

Now imagine what Nebraska can do in the coming future—don’t you want to be in on it too? Then you’ll want to start a business in the state.

But before diving into administrative work, perform a Nebraska business entity search. This will tell you if your desired company name is available, and it can help you avoid lawsuits later on. Below are some methods you can use.

To begin, use the state of Nebraska business entity search. It’s hosted on the Secretary of State’s site because they’re responsible for all business records. The search is very comprehensive, and best of all, it’s free.

On the corporate and business search page, you can only search by company name. Your search options are:

  • Name starts with
  • Name keyword search
  • Name sounds like
  • Name exact match
  • Account number

Under “Name keyword search,” you can pick “match all words” or “match any word.”

We suggest you give several options a try so you can take a comprehensive look through the database. But whichever option you choose, you’ll type in the relevant information in the search box, click “I’m not a robot” for the reCAPTCHA box, and then click on “Perform search.”

On the next page, you’ll see any hits from your query. They’ll have the companies’ names, Secretary of State account number, type, and status. To see more information about one, click on the “Details” button on the very right.

This will take you to a page where it lists the:

  • SOS account number
  • Status
  • Principle office address
  • Registered agent and office address
  • Nature of business
  • Entity type
  • Date filed
  • Next report due date

Then, it’ll have a list of the corporate positions, names, and addresses of relevant company stakeholders. For example, there’s the president, secretary, treasurer, director, and assistant treasurer.

Lastly, you’ll see all the filed documents the company’s ever made, as well as the dates they were filed.

You can also log onto Google (or any other search engine) to do an NE business entity search. Enter the desired company name and “Nebraska” to see what hits you get. Feel free to add different city names and variations of the business name to see if there are results that are similar.

Should you see that matching domain names and social media handles are free, it’s a good idea to reserve them now. This will make branding much easier later, and it’ll be stronger too since all your materials will match.

Business Anywhere Search Tool

At Business Anywhere, we have a free business registration service to help entrepreneurs like you realize their dreams without spending a fortune. After you’ve paid the state fees, we can file all the necessary paperwork to start your company. We’ve got other convenient and affordable services as well, so make sure to check them out before finalizing your purchase.

But before you use those services, utilize the business search tool we have at the top of the page to do a business search in NE. Put in the name of your future business, select LLC, corporation, or PLLC from the dropdown menu, and then “Check availability.”

Hopefully, the next page will tell you that your potential business name is free. Otherwise, try again until you’re successful.

There’s no obligation to use our business search tool, so you can stop after performing as many searches as you want. However, if you’re interested in what we can do for you, you can scroll down on the results page and fill in your contact details. We’ll be in touch with you shortly to get things going.

A Nebraska business entity search must be done if you want to avoid legal run-ins. Because they don’t cost anything and are easy to do, there’s really no excuse to skip this crucial step.

If you’re patient and do your due diligence before starting your company, then you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your business name is truly unique. And that should be worth carrying out the various business entity searches we’ve mentioned above.

Sign up with Business Anywhere if you’d like help forming an LLC. It’s completely free (just pay state fees) and we can get your company registered in as little as two working days.

About Author

Picture of Rick Mak

Rick Mak

Rick Mak is a 30-year veteran businessman, having started, bought, and/or sold more than a dozen companies. He has bachelor's degrees in International Business, Finance, and Economics, with masters in both Entrepreneurship and International Law. He has spoken at hundreds of conferences around the world during his career on entrepreneurship, international tax law, asset protection, and company structure. Business Anywhere Editorial Guidelines

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